15 September 2010

Florence Cycle Chic

Florence cycle chicOf all the cyclists I saw in all of Italy, this man was far and away the most wonderful. There really isn't much to say, I think he's just perfect.


G.E. said...

Love the bow tie! Something we don't see very often here in the States.

Anonymous said...

El Professori?

laprete said...

he's got that whole Einstein look down pat.

Anonymous said...

Is that a baggy blazer or a sweater with lapels? either way I like how it looks rather comfy to wear but isn't scrubby. Sometimes one appreciates a break from TheSartorialist's proclivity for cyclists in highly fitted business suits.

cycler said...

This picture is right on so many levels.
Something to aspire to here.

kfg said...

@Laprete - Bertrand Russell

electric bike said...

how wonderful this old man a good example to all grannies that old people still capable of riding bicycles.