I just liked the clean lines of this bike, it's clearly a useful bike. I was especially amused by the plastic bag tucked in the Brooks saddle. Yep, I've got one of those too (though mine's in the bike bag).
Philosophical Question: If you were walking down the street in a sudden downpour, would you use that plastic bag to cover this stranger's saddle?
I probably wouldn't remember about the plastic bag in my own bag, but I might take someone's bag out of its stashing spot and tuck the saddle in- and I'd hope that they'd do the same for me! I even have one of those fancy pantsy brooks saddle cover dealies (yes, I buy accessories for my accessories!)
I might... actually; but things being as they are I probably would be on my bike and not notice ;)
Definitely a sleek city bike, though... gotta love Cambridge/Somerville (recognized the storefront!)
Having a Brooks saddle myself, I would cover a stranger's saddle with the bag. To take this subject even further: I have a dog, so my pockets are usually stuffed with plastic bags. I'd use one of those to cover a Brooks (or other leather saddle) should a sudden rainstorm occur.
I was on boylston on Friday and saw a bike down on the ground but locked to a pole. I saw someone pick it up, right he kickstand and everything and walk away. I thought that was a nice deed. ( I was too afraid to touch it least something think I was stealing it)
i've been recycling broken burberry umbrellas to make seat covers.
i think i'll randomly put them on bikes that need them next time i ride..
i'll post pics soon.
Sure would, if there was a bag right there and handy. I turn peoples' lights off too, if they forget and leave them blinking.
And as an aside, a tip for those of you who have Brooks saddles and live in rainy locales...I recently replaced my less-than-stellar official Brooks saddle cover (too big, not truly waterproof) with one from Rainy Peak Cyclery - they made me a custom one to fit my B68s, a size which is hard to fit with off-the-rack saddle covers. It's perfect.
I think i would too. I like the tactic in copenhagen where they use bike-seat-covers as a means of advertising. Functional and not all that bad looking... at least for advertising!
What a great photo. A nicely set up old AD road frame in smoke chrome, great style. I love the SUV parked next to it, with the crash bumper and also when you enlarge the picture the big advertisement on the wall across the street looks like an outdoor office setting!
Yep, I'd cover the seat. I'd hope someone would do the same for me...
That is a very nice looking bike, for sure.
agreed, very nice clean bike. And like others have said, I would but the bag on too, but I've started riding a synthetic leather saddle that I treated with a shoe- waterproofing liquid. Haven't worried about my saddle since.
I really appreciate you for all the valuable information that you are providing us through your blog.
give up on the plastic bags. Disposable shower caps are the BOMB for seat covers.
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