21 April 2010


chic cyclist in a trench coat
This lovely lady is enjoying a self-guided tour of Boston courtesy of the loaner bikes for guests of the Liberty Hotel. I followed her as she lingered outside the Gucci window, and mused that these free bicycle loans give new meaning to the hotel's name.


Anonymous said...

I've always thought women on bicycles are sexy. I figured it was their fit, athletic look plus the Lycra cycling gear helped a lot to the image. Now seeing this photo I know it wasn't all that. That lady has raised the bar.

Velouria said...

Beautiful trench coat and nice legs! Glad to see people are taking advantage of those loner bikes.

On a separate note, I am afraid to wear my beige trench coat on my bikes, because I am told the Brooks saddles will leave marks. Any experience with this? All my saddles are brown.

Charlotte said...

I've worn my beige Burberry trench with my black Brooks once and it was fine, however it didn't end up raining much that day.

In general I find my trench too long to comfortably wear on my bike.

My husband's brown vintage Brooks Professional will transfer to light khakis, but none of our modern Brooks saddles have left any marks.

dr2chase said...

Re: brooks and marks -- an Armadillo saddle cover is another option; helps keep the rain off too, and lets you go slightly saddle-incognito, if that matters.

And I keep thinking, Liberté, égalité, fraternité, that would be good on a license plate, wouldn't it? Even if my bike is from Taiwan, by way of Minnesota.