This lovely submission comes from my world-traveling friend E, who noted the charm of what appears to be a home-made skirt guard on this folding bike in Trondheim.
Ever since I examined the skirt guard of that Pinarello in Washington I've been taken with the idea of giving it a try. Could be fun!
Looks about like this one: I've been considering doing the same-- looks cute!
If you make one I can't wait to see it. I have been toying with that Idea, but haven't decided yet.
DIY skirtguards are such a nice idea and not as difficult as people seem to think. They can even be attached with paperclips.
Maybe I should give up on tucking my skirt guards underneath the lip of the fender. That's the way they were originally, but they were chintzy plastic. So I replaced them with stiff leather, which looks great, but any tiny shift out of adjustment and they rub against the tire, which not only causes a nasty whine, but also increases resistance, sometimes incredibly.
I've been cutting up old burberry umbrellas to do the same thing with shellac. i'm going to put a skirt guard on a raleigh twenty i'll post some pics once i'm done.
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