17 July 2008

Advanced Bicycling - more than one bike

I've often wondered how you get a new bike home if you don't have a car. This seems pretty advanced in terms of cycling skills. One at a time for me!


Christopher Paul said...

I know this isn't good thing to say but this post reminds me of where I used to live growing up. Whenever anyone saw someone riding a bike towing another along side, it was probably because he just stole it. But I don't live there anymore and I still ride my bike so I'm happy. Thanks for the post u rock.

2whls3spds said...

I have done that in a pinch to get a spare bike from one place to another or to help a buddy out. We used to call it "ghost riding"


Unknown said...

I used to take friend's bikes home when I was a kid, just like that, but the bikes were a lot smaller then...

Anonymous said...

no biggie :-)

Twiggydyke said...

If you've the tools and the time, removing the front wheel and taping the fork to the rear wheel is pretty effective for towing.